Henrik av Babenberg
född 820, död 886-08-28
Henrik av Babenberg
f. 820
Grabfeld, Rhön-Grabfeld, Bayern, Tyskland

d. 886-08-28
Neustrien, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, Frankrike

Hertig av Frankonien

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Poppo av Hesbaye

f. 790
Rheingau. Hesse, Tyskland
d. 841
Grabfeld, Rhön-Grabfeld, Bayern, Tyskland
Greve av Grabfeld 819-839

Bubo av Hesbaye

f. 763 Rheingau. Hesse, Tyskland
d. 795 Grabfeld, Rhön-Grabfeld, Bayern, Tyskland
Greve av Grabfeldgau
Heimrich av Hesbaye
f. 740 Tongeren, Limburg, Hesbaye, Belgien
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Henrik av Babenberg, född 820 i Grabfeld, Rhön-Grabfeld, Bayern, Tyskland, död 886-08-28 i Neustrien, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, Frankrike. Hertig av Frankonien.

Married to Ingeltrude av FRIULI 837-890 with
M Adalbert av BABENBERG 854-906
M Adalhard av BABENBERG 855-903
F Hedwig av BABENBERG 857-903

Henry was the most important East Frankish general during the reign of Charles the Fat. He was variously titled Count or Margrave of Saxony and Duke of Franconia.

Henry was the ancestral lord of a castle, Babenberg, on the River Main, around which the later city of Bamberg was built. He enjoyed the favour of Charles the Fat and was his right-hand man in Germany during his reign. He led a surprise strike on a force of Vikings prior to the Siege of Asselt, but it was unsuccessful. When, in 885, Charles summoned Hugh, Duke of Alsace, and Godfrey, Duke of Frisia, to a court at Lobith, it was Henry who arrested them and had Godfrey executed and Hugh imprisoned on Charles' orders.

In 884, when Charles succeeded to the throne of West Francia, he sent Henry there to hold the March of Neustria against the Vikings. In 886, he was sent to aid the besieged of Paris. He did not stay long but returned later that year with Charles. However, he died in a skirmish with the Vikings while en route.

Gift med
Ingeltrude av Friuli, född 837 i Cividale del Friuli, Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italien, död 890 i Cividale del Friuli, Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italien. Hertiginna av Frankonien.

Hedwig av Babenberg, född 857, död 903-12-24

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