Mesalla Niger av Valerii f. -105 Roma, Lazio, Italien d. -54 Roma, Lazio, Italien Consul of the Roman Empire in 61 BC [ Biografi ] [ Barn ] |
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Mesalla Niger av Valerii, född -105
i Roma, Lazio, Italien, död -54 i Roma, Lazio, Italien.
Consul of the Roman Empire in 61 BC.
Marcus Valerius Messalla Niger was praetor in the year of Cicero's consulship, 63 BC, and consul in 61. The year in which
Publius Clodius profaned the mysteries of the Bona Dea, and Gnaeus Pompeius triumphed for his several victories over the
Cilician pirates, Tigranes the Great and Mithridates VI of Pontus. Messalla, as consul, took an active part in the prosecution of
Clodius. Messalla was censor in 55 BC.