Borivoj I
född cirka 852, död cirka 889
Borivoj I
f. ca 852
d. ca 889
Tetin, Horovice
Hertig av Bohemia

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Borivoj I, född cirka 852 i Prag, Tjeckien, död cirka 889 i Tetin, Horovice, Böhmen. Hertig av Bohemia.

Borivoj I (Czech pronunciation: ['b?r??v?j]) (c. 852–c. 889) was the first historically documented Duke of\ Bohemia (870–889) and founder of Premyslid dynasty.

As the head of the Premyslids who dominated the environs of present-day Prague. In the years 883/884 Borivoj was deposed by a revolt.

In old Czech legends he is said to be son of a prince of Bohemians called Hostivít. There is no historical evidence of this claim.

Furthermore, Duke Borivoj had only 2 sons: Spytihnev and Vratislav. The rest is a myth.

Borivoj I (Czech pronunciation: ['b?r??v?j]) (c. 852–c. 889) was the first historically documented Duke of Bohemia (870–889) and founder of Premyslid dynasty.

As the head of the Premyslids who dominated the environs of present-day Prague, around 870 Borivoj declared himself kníže - in latin dux, which means sovereign prince. His title was later translated by German scholars as "duke" of the Bohemians (Czechs). Although the German dukes have had the same title, his title was in fact completely different. The Czech dux was contrary to them a sovereign ruler. Borivoj was recognised as such by his overlord Svatopluk I of Great Moravia around 872 who dispatched Bishop Methodius to begin the conversion of the Bohemian Slavs to Christianity. Borivoj and his wife Saint Ludmila were baptised by Methodius (probably in 883) and the latter became an enthusiastic evangelist, although the religion failed to take root among Borivoj's subjects.

In the years 883/884 Borivoj was deposed by a revolt in support of his kinsman Strojmír, and restored in 885 only from the will of his suzerain Svatopluk of Moravia. When Borivoj had died 4 years later Svatopluk took over the rule over Bohemia by himself.

As with most of the early Bohemian rulers, Borivoj is a shadowy figure and exact dates and facts for his reign can never be considered as completely reliable, although several major fortifications and religious foundations are said to have dated from this time. In old Czech legends he is said to be son of a prince of Bohemians called Hostivít.

Borivoj I, Duke of Bohemia (1) M, #150023, d. 895 Last Edited=8 Jul 2005

Borivoj I, Duke of Bohemia died in 895. (1) Borivoj I, Duke of Bohemia was a member of the House of Premysl. (1) He gained the title of Duke of Bohemia in 870. (1)
Children of Borivoj I, Duke of Bohemia -1. Spytihnev I, Duke of Bohemia d. 912 (1) -2. Vratislav I, Duke of Bohemia+ d. 921 (1)


Borivoj I (c. 852–c. 889) was first historically documented Duke of Bohemia (870–889); founder of Premyslid dynasty.

As the head of the Premyslids which dominated the environs of present-day Prague, Borivoj in c. 870 declared himself kníže (later translated by German scholars as "duke") of the Bohemians (Czechs). Borivoj was recognised as such by his overlord Svatopluk I of Great Moravia around 872 who dispatched Bishop Methodius to begin the conversion of the Bohemian Slavs to Christianity. Borivoj and his wife Saint Ludmila were baptised by Methodius (probably in 883) and the latter became an enthusiastic evangelist, although the religion failed to take root among Borivoj's subjects.

In the years 883/884 Borivoj was deposed by a revolt in support of his kinsman Strojmír, and restored in 885 only from the will of his suzerain Svatopluk of Moravia. When Borivoj had died 4 years later Svatopluk took over the rule over Bohemia by himself.

As with most of the early Bohemian rulers, Borivoj is a shadowy figure and exact dates and facts for his reign can never be considered as completely reliable, although several major fortifications and religious foundations are said to have dated from this time. In old Czech legends he is said to be son of a prince of Bohemians called Hostivít.

Borivoj I (Czech pronunciation: ['b?r??v?j]) (c. 852–c. 894) was the first historically documented Duke of Bohemia (870–889) and founder of Premyslid dynasty.

As the head of the Premyslids who dominated the environs of present-day Prague, around 870 Borivoj declared himself kníže - in latin dux, which means sovereign prince. His title was later translated by German scholars as "duke" of the Bohemians (Czechs). Although the German dukes have had the same title, his title was in fact completely different. The Czech dux was contrary to them a sovereign ruler. Borivoj was recognised as such by his overlord Svatopluk I of Great Moravia around 872 who dispatched Bishop Methodius to begin the conversion of the Bohemian Slavs to Christianity. Borivoj and his wife Saint Ludmila were baptised by Methodius (probably in 883) and the latter became an enthusiastic evangelist, although the religion failed to take root among Borivoj's subjects.

In the years 883/884 Borivoj was deposed by a revolt in support of his kinsman Strojmír, and restored in 885 only from the will of his suzerain Svatopluk of Moravia. When Borivoj had died 4 years later Svatopluk took over the rule over Bohemia by himself.

As with most of the early Bohemian rulers, Borivoj is a shadowy figure and exact dates and facts for his reign can never be considered as completely reliable, although several major fortifications and religious foundations are said to have dated from this time. In old Czech legends he is said to be son of a prince of Bohemians called Hostivít.

Title: Duke of Bohemia Name: Duke Borivoj I Of Bohemia Birth: ABT. 842 in Of Praha, Praha, Czechoslovakia Birth: ABT. 842 in Praha, Bohemia Death: ABT. 894 in Tetin, Horovice, Czechoslovakia Death: ABT. 894 in Teti nr. Horovice Death: 894 in Tetin, Moravia

Borivoj I. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche Taufe Borivojs. Darstellung aus der Velislav-Bibel, 1. Hälfte 14. Jahrhundert

Borivoj I. (* zwischen 852 und 855; † 888/889) war der erste historisch greifbare böhmische Fürst und der erste bekannte Herrscher aus dem Geschlecht der Premysliden. Leben [Bearbeiten]

Sein Sitz war ursprünglich die Burg Levý Hradec nordwestlich des heutigen Prag. Von seinem Rivalen Strojmír nach Großmähren vertrieben, ordnete er sich der Oberherrschaft des dortigen Fürsten Sventopluk unter und kehrte mit seiner Hilfe nach Böhmen zurück. Dort legte er den Grundstein für die Prager Burg auf dem Berg Hradschin, von der aus er sein Herrschaftsgebiet um Prag regierte. Daraus sollte sich das Herzogtum und spätere Königreich Böhmen entwickeln.

Obwohl Borivoj oft als erster Herzog von Böhmen bezeichnet wird, kann man von zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht von einem einzigen böhmischen Herrschaftsgebiet sprechen. Dieses entwickelte sich erst unter seinen Nachfolgern, wobei die damals stattfindende Christianisierung eine große Rolle spielte. Der Überlieferung nach wurde Borivoj zusammen mit seiner Frau, der später heilig gesprochenen Ludmilla, um das Jahr 880 herum von Erzbischof Method von Saloniki getauft. Mit Ludmilla hatte er zwei namentlich bekannte Söhne, Spytihnev I. und Vratislav I., die nacheinander Herzog wurden. Letzterer ist der Vater des Heiligen Wenzel von Böhmen, der gemeinsam mit Ludmilla zu den Landespatronen Böhmens gehört. Literatur [Bearbeiten]

* Václav Davídek: Co bylo pred Prahou, Praha 1971 * Dušan Treštík: Pocátky Premyslovcu, Praha 1981 * Rudolf Turek: Cechy v raném stredoveku, Praha 1982
Vorgänger Amt Nachfolger n.n. Herzog von Böhmen 875–889 Spytih Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 11. September 2009 um 15:49 Uhr geändert.

Borivoj I of Bohemia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Borivoj I (IPA: ['b?r??v?j]) (c. 852–c. 889) was first historically documented Duke of Bohemia (870–889); founder of Premyslid dynasty.

As the head of the Premyslids which dominated the environs of present-day Prague, Borivoj in c. 870 declared himself kníže (later translated by German scholars as "duke") of the Bohemians (Czechs). Borivoj was recognised as such by his overlord Svatopluk I of Great Moravia around 872 who dispatched Bishop Methodius to begin the conversion of the Bohemian Slavs to Christianity. Borivoj and his wife Saint Ludmila were baptised by Methodius (probably in 883) and the latter became an enthusiastic evangelist, although the religion failed to take root among Borivoj's subjects.

In the years 883/884 Borivoj was deposed by a revolt in support of his kinsman Strojmír, and restored in 885 only from the will of his suzerain Svatopluk of Moravia. When Borivoj had died 4 years later Svatopluk took over the rule over Bohemia by himself. As with most of the early Bohemian rulers, Borivoj is a shadowy figure and exact dates and facts for his reign can never be considered as completely reliable, although several major fortifications and religious foundations are said to have dated from this time. In old Czech legends he is said to be son of a prince of Bohemians called Hostivít.

Hertug av Böhmen 890 - 895 og 898 - 905. Borzivoj var den første kristne hertug i Böhmen, han lot seg døpe i 871.

Han ble hertug i 890, men avsatt i 895. Han ble så igjeninnsatt i 898, men tok selv avskjed i 905.

Om Borzivojs forfedre ved man intet sikkert. Den tsjekkiske sagnhistorie nevner den vakre og vise fyrstedatter Libussa og hennes gemal Przemysl som tilskrives grunnleggelsen av Prag. Hans etterkommere ble muligens hertuger som hadde overhøyhet over de andre hertuger. Under Karl «den Store»'s kriger med avarerne ble Böhmen flere ganger hjemsøkt av frankiske hærer, men landet kom ikke i noe egentlig avhengighetsforhold til Tyskland.

Przemysliderslekten var hertuger og konger av Böhmen fra 623 til 1457. Hertugdømmet Böhmen omfattet også Mähren (Moravia) og var en del av det tysk-romerske riket.

Tekst: Tore Nygaard

Kilder: Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 29. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 83.

Borivoj I, Duke of Bohemia was a member of the House of Premysl. He gained the title of Duke of Bohemia in 870. []

Borivoj I, Duke of Bohemia (852/853 - 888/889)

The head of the Premyslid Czechs who dominated the environs of Prague, Borivoj in c. 870 declared himself kníže (later translated by German scholars as 'Duke') of the Czechs (Bohemians). Borivoj was recognised as such by his overlord Svatopluk of Great Moravia around 872 who dispatched Bishop Methodius to begin the conversion of the Czechs to Christianity. Borivoj and his wife Ludmilla were baptised by Methodius in 874 and the latter especially became an enthusiastic evangelist, although the religion failed to take root among Borivoj's subjects.

Around 883 Borivoj was deposed by a revolt in support of his kinsman Strojmir, and restored only with the support of Svyatopluk of Moravia.

As with most of the early Bohemian rulers, Borivoj is a shadowy figure and exact dates and facts for his reign can never be considered as completely reliable, although several major fortifications and religious foundations are said to have dated from this time.

Borivoj married Saint Ludmila 'the Holy' of Mielnick on an unknown date. (Saint Ludmila 'the Holy' of Mielnick was born about 860 near Melník, Bohemia [now in Czech Republic] 2 and died on 15 Sep 921 2.)


1 Lundy, Darryl, "The - A Genealogical Survey of the Peerage of England as well as the Royal Families of Europe" ( rev. 12 Mar 2006), Citing: John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), page 155.

Borivoj I (c. 852–c. 889) was first historically documented Duke of Bohemia (870–889); founder of Premyslid dynasty.

As the head of the Premyslids which dominated the environs of present-day Prague, Borivoj in c. 870 declared himself kníže (later translated by German scholars as "duke") of the Bohemians (Czechs). Borivoj was recognised as such by his overlord Svatopluk I of Great Moravia around 872 who dispatched Bishop Methodius to begin the conversion of the Bohemian Slavs to Christianity. Borivoj and his wife Saint Ludmila were baptised by Methodius (probably in 883) and the latter became an enthusiastic evangelist, although the religion failed to take root among Borivoj's subjects.

In the years 883/884 Borivoj was deposed by a revolt in support of his kinsman Strojmír, and restored in 885 only from the will of his suzerain Svatopluk of Moravia. When Borivoj had died 4 years later Svatopluk took over the rule over Bohemia by himself.

As with most of the early Bohemian rulers, Borivoj is a shadowy figure and exact dates and facts for his reign can never be considered as completely reliable, although several major fortifications and religious foundations are said to have dated from this time. In old Czech legends he is said to be son of a prince of Bohemians called Hostivít.

Gift med
Ludmila, född 860 i Melník, Stredoceský kraj, Böhmen, död 921-09-15 i hradište, Tetín, Stredoceský kraj, Böhmen.

Vratislaus I, född 888, död 921-02-13

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